Pilates Rehabilitation

We utilize clinical Pilates and corrective exercise techniques, which are methods of exercise for pre-habilitation and rehabilitation.

Pre-habilitation exercises help prevent injuries by addressing and fixing movement compensations and imbalances to improve the overall quality of movement.

Rehabilitation exercises are used after injury or surgery utilizing the standard of care guidelines to support a client back to normal function while working with their allied health professional (physiotherapist, chiropractor, medical doctor, surgeon, naturopath, dietitian).

Here in Canada, many clinical Pilates instructors are physiotherapists who have received additional Pilates training. Their extensive training encompasses diagnoses and specialized treatments. They are able to test, assess, diagnose, manually treat, while also teaching Pilates.

Some clinical/rehabilitation Pilates instructors are not physiotherapists, but are certified Pilates instructors who have obtained additional training on the pre-habilitation and rehabilitation standard of care guidelines, along with deep understanding of pathological processes. Non-physio clinical Pilates instructors are often also kinesiologists, physiotherapist assistants, and/or certified personal trainers, which means they do not diagnose or give manual treatments, but work with physiotherapists and other allied health professionals to help execute prescribed exercises while keeping clients safe from re-injury.

Pilates instructors, trainers, and kinesiologists are often less expensive than physo instructors, and can help bridge the gap to create consistency and support so that clients can achieve their specific goals faster and with great results. Clinical Pilates works best when the program is over seen by an allied health professional, so it’s important to continue seeing your physiotherpist, chiropractor, naturopath, or medical doctor alongside taking Pilates sessions.

We work with:

Achilles tendon tear or rupture
ACL injury and post-operative recovery
Articular cartilage restoration recovery
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic hip pain
Chronic low back pain
Chronic neck pain
Degenerative joint issues (often from osteoarthritis)
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
Frozen shoulder/ stiff shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
Hyper-mobility (ehlers-danlos syndrome)
Patellofemoral pain
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis)
Post-acute disc bulge
Labral tears and post-operative recovery
Lateral epicondylitis/ epicondylosis (tennis elbow)
Ligament strain
Medial epicondylitis/ epicondylosis (golfer’s elbow)
Meniscus injury and post-operative recovery
Muscle sprain
Neck Pain
Osteoporosis and osteopenia
Rotator cuff tear, tendinopathy, and post-operative recovery
Sacroiliac joint pain
Spinal stenosis
Shoulder impingement, subacromial bursitis
Shoulder labrum injuries and post-operative recovery (SLAP and bankart)
Total hip replacement post-operative recovery (THA)
Total shoulder replacement post-operative recovery (TSA)

“Change happens through movement, and movement heals”